“A Conversa dos Outros”, de Constantino Martins e Nuno Lisboa regista conversas telefónicas feitas por imigrantes brasileiros numa cabine na Ericeira.
Comunicando com os seus amigos e familiares do outro lado do Atlântico, as pessoas focadas pela câmara encetam conversas com tanto de verosímil como de banal, tornando esta curta-metragem num filme repetitivo e inconsequente, sem nada de especialmente inspirado ou cativante. O resultado são vinte e dois minutos francamente entediantes que revelam um projecto falhado.
4 comentários:
I do not understand the Article (I am Scandinavian) but there is a name I recognize. I once knew someone by the Name of Constantino Martins. He lived in Lisboa but was vacationing in Ericeira many years ag (abut 16 years). Just for fun I googled his name and this page came up – I guess that is my comment for this article
Well, if it was the Constantino Martins that is referred in this article, he made a shortcut named "Other's Conversation" about brazilian immigrants in Ericeira (it's probably him, given the similarities in the name and the place).
Thank you for responding I know this might not be the correct blog for this kind of message. You know what I think this might be the guy. Back in 2001 I got a letter from him that said he made documentaries so the odds just increased.
I have looked over a lot of web sites but cannot find anyone with contact info on him. I would be kind of fun to send an email. Do you have any idea how one would go about tracking an email address in Lisboa (without being able to understand Portuguese?
Hum, sorry, but I don't know how to help on that. Good luck.
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